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Ever Wondered About the Secrets to Financial Success? Ready to Explore?


Ever Wondered About the Secrets to Financial Success? Ready to Explore?"

Ever Wondered About the Secrets to Financial Success? Ready to Explore?"

Mindset Shift: Assets vs. Liabilities

In the realm of financial success, a fundamental mindset shift is crucial—distinguishing between assets and liabilities. Often, individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of accumulating liabilities, such as expensive cars, luxury items, or unnecessary debts. The key is to redefine your perspective and prioritize assets that appreciate over time. Realize that assets are not just tangible possessions but also include investments, skills, and knowledge that contribute to your overall wealth.

Consider the power of investments in income-generating assets like stocks, real estate, or a well-diversified portfolio. These assets have the potential to grow and provide financial security in the long run. By embracing this mindset shift, you pave the way for sustainable wealth creation. It's not about immediate gratification but making choices that set you up for a financially robust future.

Moreover, understanding the distinction between assets and liabilities enables you to make informed financial decisions. Prioritize investments that align with your financial goals, ultimately fostering a mindset that propels you towards lasting prosperity.

Invest in Education: Your Greatest Asset

In the ever-evolving landscape of the financial world, education stands out as your greatest asset. Investing in knowledge pays dividends that no market fluctuation can erase. Continuous learning not only enhances your skill set but also opens doors to new opportunities and strategies. Attend workshops, enroll in courses, and devour books on finance, investing, and entrepreneurship. The more you know, the better equipped you are to make informed decisions that propel you towards financial success.

Education acts as a catalyst for innovation and adaptability, crucial qualities in navigating the dynamic financial terrain. Stay abreast of market trends, emerging technologies, and changes in regulations. This proactive approach positions you to seize opportunities that others might overlook. Remember, your financial education is a lifelong journey; don't view it as an expense but as an investment with unparalleled returns.

Furthermore, the value of education extends beyond traditional academic realms. Develop soft skills like communication, negotiation, and leadership to enhance your overall financial acumen. Embrace a growth mindset, and view each learning opportunity as a step towards building a formidable foundation for your financial future. In essence, investing in education is an investment in yourself—one that pays dividends for a lifetime.

Ever Wondered About the Secrets to Financial Success? Ready to Explore?"  Mindset Shift: Assets vs. Liabilities  In the realm of financial success, a fundamental mindset shift is crucial—distinguishing between assets and liabilities. Often, individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of accumulating liabilities, such as expensive cars, luxury items, or unnecessary debts. The key is to redefine your perspective and prioritize assets that appreciate over time. Realize that assets are not just tangible possessions but also include investments, skills, and knowledge that contribute to your overall wealth.  Consider the power of investments in income-generating assets like stocks, real estate, or a well-diversified portfolio. These assets have the potential to grow and provide financial security in the long run. By embracing this mindset shift, you pave the way for sustainable wealth creation. It's not about immediate gratification but making choices that set you up for a financially robust future.  Moreover, understanding the distinction between assets and liabilities enables you to make informed financial decisions. Prioritize investments that align with your financial goals, ultimately fostering a mindset that propels you towards lasting prosperity.  Invest in Education: Your Greatest Asset  In the ever-evolving landscape of the financial world, education stands out as your greatest asset. Investing in knowledge pays dividends that no market fluctuation can erase. Continuous learning not only enhances your skill set but also opens doors to new opportunities and strategies. Attend workshops, enroll in courses, and devour books on finance, investing, and entrepreneurship. The more you know, the better equipped you are to make informed decisions that propel you towards financial success.  Education acts as a catalyst for innovation and adaptability, crucial qualities in navigating the dynamic financial terrain. Stay abreast of market trends, emerging technologies, and changes in regulations. This proactive approach positions you to seize opportunities that others might overlook. Remember, your financial education is a lifelong journey; don't view it as an expense but as an investment with unparalleled returns.  Furthermore, the value of education extends beyond traditional academic realms. Develop soft skills like communication, negotiation, and leadership to enhance your overall financial acumen. Embrace a growth mindset, and view each learning opportunity as a step towards building a formidable foundation for your financial future. In essence, investing in education is an investment in yourself—one that pays dividends for a lifetime.  Invest in Education: Your Greatest Asset  In the journey towards financial success, investing in education emerges as the cornerstone of empowerment. Your mind is the ultimate tool, and feeding it with knowledge equips you to make strategic financial decisions. This investment isn't confined to formal education; it extends to self-directed learning, attending workshops, and immersing yourself in the evolving landscape of finance. By continually expanding your knowledge base, you elevate yourself to new heights of financial literacy and resilience.  Education transcends the conventional boundaries of degrees and certificates; it encompasses a dynamic understanding of market trends, investment strategies, and emerging opportunities. Embrace the mindset of a perpetual learner, as the financial world is in a constant state of flux. Whether it's understanding the nuances of diverse investment vehicles or staying updated on technological advancements shaping the financial sector, your commitment to learning becomes the compass guiding you through the complexities of wealth creation.  Moreover, the confidence gained through education is invaluable. When you possess a deep understanding of financial principles, you navigate uncertainties with poise. Education not only enhances your analytical skills but also cultivates a mindset that seeks out and seizes opportunities. Ultimately, the dividends of investing in education are not just monetary; they extend to a sense of empowerment and mastery over your financial destiny.  The Power of Passive Income  Unlocking the potential of passive income is a game-changer in the pursuit of financial freedom. Unlike traditional income streams that demand constant effort, passive income allows you to earn money with minimal ongoing involvement. This isn't about working harder but smarter—setting up income streams that work for you, even while you sleep. Investments in real estate, dividend-paying stocks, or creating digital products are avenues through which passive income can be generated.  The beauty of passive income lies in its ability to provide financial security and freedom. It frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other pursuits, whether they be personal, entrepreneurial, or philanthropic. Imagine waking up to money earned through investments or royalties—a testament to the power of creating assets that work independently. This not only diversifies your income sources but also shields you from the vulnerability of relying solely on active income.  Passive income is a manifestation of financial leverage. By intelligently deploying your resources and investments, you create a steady stream of earnings that compounds over time. It's a testament to the adage, "Make your money work for you." Embrace the philosophy of building assets that generate passive income, and witness the transformation it brings to your financial landscape—ultimately paving the way for a life of abundance and financial peace.  Entrepreneurship: Take Control of Your Financial Destiny  Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is a powerful step towards taking control of your financial destiny. Entrepreneurship is not merely a career choice; it's a mindset that embraces challenges and converts them into opportunities. By venturing into your own business, you become the architect of your financial future. The ability to create something from nothing, to innovate, and to solve problems is at the heart of entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurs have the autonomy to shape their financial trajectory. Rather than relying on a fixed salary, you have the potential to create scalable income streams. While the initial stages might be demanding, the long-term rewards are unparalleled. Building a successful business provides not just financial independence but a sense of fulfillment derived from creating value in the marketplace. It's a journey where you learn, adapt, and ultimately sculpt your financial destiny according to your vision.  Moreover, entrepreneurship is a journey of continuous growth. The skills acquired in the process—from leadership to resilience—are invaluable assets that extend beyond the business realm. By taking charge of your financial destiny through entrepreneurship, you not only secure your financial well-being but also contribute to the broader economic landscape through job creation and innovation.  Embrace Risk: Learn from Failure  In the pursuit of financial success, embracing risk is not just a choice; it's a necessity. Risks are inherent in any worthwhile endeavor, and understanding how to navigate them is a key determinant of financial growth. Fear of failure often holds individuals back from taking the necessary risks to reach their financial goals. However, embracing risk is not about recklessness but a calculated approach to seizing opportunities that have the potential for substantial rewards.  Failure, rather than being a setback, is a powerful teacher. Each stumble is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and refine your approach. The most successful individuals in the financial world have encountered failures, but it's their ability to bounce back and integrate the lessons that sets them apart. Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, perceive it as a stepping stone towards success.  By embracing risk, you position yourself at the forefront of innovation and growth. It's about pushing boundaries, exploring uncharted territories, and being willing to pivot when necessary. The financial landscape rewards those who dare to challenge the status quo. Learn from both successes and failures, for each experience contributes to your financial acumen. Ultimately, it's the courage to embrace risk that propels you towards new heights and ensures that your financial journey is marked by resilience and continuous progress.  Financial Literacy: A Lifelong Journey  Embarking on the path of financial literacy is not just a task; it's a commitment to a lifelong journey of empowerment. The ability to understand and navigate the intricacies of personal finance is akin to having a compass in the complex landscape of life. Financial literacy encompasses a range of skills, from budgeting and saving to investing and understanding the nuances of financial markets. Recognizing that this journey is ongoing allows for continuous growth and adaptability in the ever-evolving world of finance.  At its core, financial literacy is about making informed decisions that align with your goals and values. It's the key to unlocking doors to financial independence and security. As you delve into the realms of budgeting, debt management, and investment strategies, you not only secure your present but also lay the foundation for a resilient and prosperous future. The power lies not just in accumulating wealth but in understanding how money works and utilizing that knowledge to shape your financial destiny.  Moreover, the benefits of financial literacy extend beyond personal gain. A financially literate society is a resilient one, capable of weathering economic uncertainties. By committing to this lifelong journey, you contribute to a collective elevation of financial well-being. As you empower yourself with knowledge, share your insights and encourage others to join the voyage. Remember, financial literacy is not a destination but a continuous expedition towards a future where everyone is equipped to make sound financial decisions for a better life.  Embarking on this financial journey is not just a commitment; it's a pledge to a life enriched with knowledge, empowerment, and surprises. As we conclude our exploration of financial motivation, remember that each step you take towards understanding, embracing risks, and investing in yourself contributes to a brighter financial future. Whether it's entrepreneurship, passive income, or the power of education, the key lies in your hands. So, are you ready to script your financial success story? The journey is yours to unfold, filled with questions, surprises, and the potential for unparalleled growth. Seize the moment, empower yourself, and let your financial adventure begin!

The Power of Passive Income

Unlocking the potential of passive income is a game-changer in the pursuit of financial freedom. Unlike traditional income streams that demand constant effort, passive income allows you to earn money with minimal ongoing involvement. This isn't about working harder but smarter—setting up income streams that work for you, even while you sleep. Investments in real estate, dividend-paying stocks, or creating digital products are avenues through which passive income can be generated.

The beauty of passive income lies in its ability to provide financial security and freedom. It frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other pursuits, whether they be personal, entrepreneurial, or philanthropic. Imagine waking up to money earned through investments or royalties—a testament to the power of creating assets that work independently. This not only diversifies your income sources but also shields you from the vulnerability of relying solely on active income.

Passive income is a manifestation of financial leverage. By intelligently deploying your resources and investments, you create a steady stream of earnings that compounds over time. It's a testament to the adage, "Make your money work for you." Embrace the philosophy of building assets that generate passive income, and witness the transformation it brings to your financial landscape—ultimately paving the way for a life of abundance and financial peace.

Entrepreneurship: Take Control of Your Financial Destiny

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is a powerful step towards taking control of your financial destiny. Entrepreneurship is not merely a career choice; it's a mindset that embraces challenges and converts them into opportunities. By venturing into your own business, you become the architect of your financial future. The ability to create something from nothing, to innovate, and to solve problems is at the heart of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs have the autonomy to shape their financial trajectory. Rather than relying on a fixed salary, you have the potential to create scalable income streams. While the initial stages might be demanding, the long-term rewards are unparalleled. Building a successful business provides not just financial independence but a sense of fulfillment derived from creating value in the marketplace. It's a journey where you learn, adapt, and ultimately sculpt your financial destiny according to your vision.

Moreover, entrepreneurship is a journey of continuous growth. The skills acquired in the process—from leadership to resilience—are invaluable assets that extend beyond the business realm. By taking charge of your financial destiny through entrepreneurship, you not only secure your financial well-being but also contribute to the broader economic landscape through job creation and innovation.

Embrace Risk: Learn from Failure

In the pursuit of financial success, embracing risk is not just a choice; it's a necessity. Risks are inherent in any worthwhile endeavor, and understanding how to navigate them is a key determinant of financial growth. Fear of failure often holds individuals back from taking the necessary risks to reach their financial goals. However, embracing risk is not about recklessness but a calculated approach to seizing opportunities that have the potential for substantial rewards.

Failure, rather than being a setback, is a powerful teacher. Each stumble is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and refine your approach. The most successful individuals in the financial world have encountered failures, but it's their ability to bounce back and integrate the lessons that sets them apart. Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, perceive it as a stepping stone towards success.

By embracing risk, you position yourself at the forefront of innovation and growth. It's about pushing boundaries, exploring uncharted territories, and being willing to pivot when necessary. The financial landscape rewards those who dare to challenge the status quo. Learn from both successes and failures, for each experience contributes to your financial acumen. Ultimately, it's the courage to embrace risk that propels you towards new heights and ensures that your financial journey is marked by resilience and continuous progress.

Financial Literacy: A Lifelong Journey

Embarking on the path of financial literacy is not just a task; it's a commitment to a lifelong journey of empowerment. The ability to understand and navigate the intricacies of personal finance is akin to having a compass in the complex landscape of life. Financial literacy encompasses a range of skills, from budgeting and saving to investing and understanding the nuances of financial markets. Recognizing that this journey is ongoing allows for continuous growth and adaptability in the ever-evolving world of finance.

At its core, financial literacy is about making informed decisions that align with your goals and values. It's the key to unlocking doors to financial independence and security. As you delve into the realms of budgeting, debt management, and investment strategies, you not only secure your present but also lay the foundation for a resilient and prosperous future. The power lies not just in accumulating wealth but in understanding how money works and utilizing that knowledge to shape your financial destiny.

Moreover, the benefits of financial literacy extend beyond personal gain. A financially literate society is a resilient one, capable of weathering economic uncertainties. By committing to this lifelong journey, you contribute to a collective elevation of financial well-being. As you empower yourself with knowledge, share your insights and encourage others to join the voyage. Remember, financial literacy is not a destination but a continuous expedition towards a future where everyone is equipped to make sound financial decisions for a better life.

Embarking on this financial journey is not just a commitment; it's a pledge to a life enriched with knowledge, empowerment, and surprises. As we conclude our exploration of financial motivation, remember that each step you take towards understanding, embracing risks, and investing in yourself contributes to a brighter financial future. Whether it's entrepreneurship, passive income, or the power of education, the key lies in your hands. So, are you ready to script your financial success story? The journey is yours to unfold, filled with questions, surprises, and the potential for unparalleled growth. Seize the moment, empower yourself, and let your financial adventure begin!


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अपनी आंतरिक क्षमता को खोलें: फर्जी मोटिवेशनल स्पीकरों और उनकी धोखेबाज मोटिवेशन से बचें

  प हले तो बाहर की दुनिया को ही संभालना पड़ता था। पर अब का समय ऐसा आ गया है कि हर कोई मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर बन गया है। हर कोई मोटिवेशन का ज्ञान देने लगा है। इसलिए अभी अपने अंदर की दुनिया यानी सोच और समझ को भी संभालना बहुत आवश्यक हो गया है। मैं कभी बैठता हूं और यह सोचता हूं। उनके लाखों लाखों व्यू है। क्या सच में हम सबको इन मोटिवेशनल स्पीकरों की इनके मोटिवेशन की जरूरत है एक्चुअल में? मैं यह नहीं कह रहा हूं कि यह जो मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर है, झूठ बोलते हैं या बनावटी बातें करते हैं, लेकिन उनकी दुनिया उनके लाइफ के चैलेंज हमसे बिल्कुल अलग है। हर इंसान के जीवन का चैलेंज एक दूसरे इंसान से अलग ही होता है। फिर उनके मोटिवेशन हमें कैसे काम लगेंगे। यह समझना जरा मुश्किल है। कहीं इधर-उधर की बात बताकर एक्साइटमेंट उत्पन्न करके यह मोटिवेशनल लोग कहीं धंधा तो नहीं कर रहे हैं। हमारे इमोशन के साथ हमारे मोटिवेशन के साथ हमारे पीस के साथ खिलवाड़ तो नहीं कर रहे हैं। कभी इस पर विचार किया है आपने? क्योंकि मोटिवेशन तो आत्मज्ञान है और आत्मज्ञान के लिए हमें किसी और से ज्ञान लेने की आवश्यकता नहीं है वह हमारे आत्मा में ऑलरेडी है

पति पत्नी के जीवन का संघर्ष एक आत्मकथा बस यह एक बात जान लो जीवन भर जाएगा प्रेम, सुख और शांति से।

इस पोस्ट को लिखने का मकसद केवल इतना है, की वैवाहिक जीवन जिसके नायक और नायिका 'पति और पत्नी' मिलकर रहे, सुख और शांति से अपना जीवन जी सके। और अपने वैवाहिक जीवन को सुख शांति और समृद्धि की ऊंचाइयों तक ले जा सके। हां यह संभव है, अगर आपने इस पोस्ट को अच्छे से समझा तो यह हो सकता है।  अक्सर देखने में आया है कि, जब भी पति और पत्नी कुछ देर तक साथ बैठे और बातें करें, बातें करते-करते न जाने ऐसा क्या होता है, जिससे पति या पत्नी दोनों में से कोई एक क्रोधित हो जाता है। और फिर झगड़ा स्टार्ट हो जाते हैं। मैं मानता हूं कि, हम सभी को जीवन में कभी ना कभी प्रेम अवश्य हुआ होगा। कितनों ने अपने प्रेम का इजहार किया होगा और उनमें से कितनों को उनका मनपसंद साथी मिला होगा। कभी आपने विचार किया है, जब आप प्रेमी प्रेमिका की भूमिका में थे, तब आप बहुत देर तक एक साथ बैठकर बातें करते थे तब तो झगड़ा नहीं होते थे। तब तो सुख और आनंद की प्राप्ति होती थी। और हृदय में यह भाव हमेशा चलता रहता था, काश कुछ क्षण और मिल जाए साथ रहने का। पर वही जोड़ा, मैं सब की बात नहीं करता अपवाद होते हैं, पर मेजोरिटी यही है, कि वही जोड़ा जब

विषादयोगो नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः।

  धृतराष्ट्र उवाच धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः।  मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत संजय॥ धृतराष्ट्र बोले- हे संजय! धर्मभूमि कुरुक्षेत्र में एकत्रित, युद्ध की इच्छावाले मेरे और पाण्डु के पुत्रों ने क्या किया? संजय उवाच दृष्टवा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा।  आचार्यमुपसंगम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत्‌॥ संजय बोले- उस समय राजा दुर्योधन ने व्यूहरचनायुक्त पाण्डवों की सेना को देखा और द्रोणाचार्य के पास जाकर यह वचन कहा पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम्‌।  व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता॥ हे आचार्य! आपके बुद्धिमान्‌ शिष्य द्रुपदपुत्र धृष्टद्युम्न द्वारा व्यूहाकार खड़ी की हुई पाण्डुपुत्रों की इस बड़ी भारी सेना को देखिए अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि।  युयुधानो विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथः॥ धृष्टकेतुश्चेकितानः काशिराजश्च वीर्यवान्‌।  पुरुजित्कुन्तिभोजश्च शैब्यश्च नरपुङवः॥ युधामन्युश्च विक्रान्त उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान्‌। सौभद्रो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्व एव महारथाः॥ इस सेना में बड़े-बड़े धनुषों वाले तथा युद्ध में भीम और अर्जुन के समान शूरवीर सात्यकि और विराट तथा महारथी राजा द्रुपद

सांख्ययोगो नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः

 ( अर्जुन की कायरता के विषय में श्री कृष्णार्जुन-संवाद )  संजय उवाच  तं तथा कृपयाविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम्‌। विषीदन्तमिदं वाक्यमुवाच मधुसूदनः॥ संजय बोले- उस प्रकार करुणा से व्याप्त और आँसुओं से पूर्ण तथा व्याकुल नेत्रों वाले शोकयुक्त उस अर्जुन के प्रति भगवान मधुसूदन ने यह वचन कहा श्रीभगवानुवाच  कुतस्त्वा कश्मलमिदं विषमे समुपस्थितम्‌। अनार्यजुष्टमस्वर्ग्यमकीर्तिकरमर्जुन। श्रीभगवान बोले- हे अर्जुन! तुझे इस असमय में यह मोह किस हेतु से प्राप्त हुआ? क्योंकि न तो यह श्रेष्ठ पुरुषों द्वारा आचरित है, न स्वर्ग को देने वाला है और न कीर्ति को करने वाला ही है क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत्त्वय्युपपद्यते। क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परन्तप॥ इसलिए हे अर्जुन! नपुंसकता को मत प्राप्त हो, तुझमें यह उचित नहीं जान पड़ती। हे परंतप! हृदय की तुच्छ दुर्बलता को त्यागकर युद्ध के लिए खड़ा हो जा अर्जुन उवाच  कथं भीष्ममहं सङ्‍ख्ये द्रोणं च मधुसूदन। इषुभिः प्रतियोत्स्यामि पूजार्हावरिसूदन॥ अर्जुन बोले- हे मधुसूदन! मैं रणभूमि में किस प्रकार बाणों से भीष्म पितामह और द्रोणाचार्य के विरुद्ध लड़ूँगा? क्योंक

How Do We Shape Children into Ideal Sons? Unraveling Shri Ram's Values for Lasting Impact!

  How Do We Shape Children into Ideal Sons? Unraveling Shri Ram's Values for Lasting Impact! In a world brimming with diverse role models, the timeless values embodied by Shri Ram, the legendary prince of Ayodhya, stand out as a beacon of inspiration. The saga of Ramayana not only narrates the epic tale of righteousness but also encapsulates the essence of being an ideal son. Let's delve into five values exhibited by Shri Ram that not only make him an exemplar but also provide a roadmap for nurturing our children into ideal sons.     1.   Filial Devotion: Shri Ram's profound devotion to his parents, particularly his unwavering respect for his father, King Dasharatha, serves as a cornerstone for building ideal sons. Teaching our children the importance of respecting and cherishing their familial bonds instills a sense of commitment and love that will guide them throughout their lives.     2.    Obedience: In the tumultuous journey of Ram, his unquestioning obedience to his f

जीवन के 7 अंतिम सत्य

हम सभी मृत्यु को जीवन का अंतिम सत्य मानते हैं. क्या आपको पता है मृत्यु के अलावा भी जीवन के छह अंतिम सत्य और है उसके बारे में हम यहां विस्तार से जानेंगे समझेंगे. इस ब्लॉक पोस्ट के माध्यम से जो छूट गए छह जरूरी जीवन के अंतिम सत्य को हम उजागर करेंगे सबके सामने. यह ईश्वर द्वारा निर्धारित किए गए अंतिम सत्य है, इन्हें परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता. १. मृत्यु: मृत्यु जीवन का अटल सत्य है जो इस संसार में आया है उसे अपनी जिम्मेदारियां को निभा कर वापस जाना है. जो इस पृथ्वी पर आया है उसका अपना एक जीवन काल है जीवन काल पूरा कर वापस जाना है. जिसने भी जीवन के इस अंतिम सत्य को समझा है, वह अपने जीवन में सत्य कर्मों द्वारा अपने परलोक को सुधारता है, और अपने जीवन को मानव कल्याण समाज कल्याण के लिए लगता है. यह सत्य एक कठोर सबक सिखाती है जो भी कुछ अपने अर्जित किया हो, इस पृथ्वी पर वह सब यहीं रह जाएगा. आप कुछ भी अपने साथ लेकर नहीं जा पाएंगे, जिस तरह जन्म के समय आए थे खाली हाथ उसी तरह मृत्यु के साथ जाएंगे खाली हाथ. २. परिवर्तन: यह भी एक अटल सत्य है. जो आज जैसा है कल वैसा नहीं रहेगा. हर समय, हर घड़ी, हर छन जो भी कु

बुद्धि के प्रकार: क्या आप जानते हैं आपकी बुद्धि कौन से प्रकार की है

सुबह से शाम तक हम कई लोगों से मिलते हैं, उनसे बातें करते हैं. और उनकी बुद्धि के प्रशंसा भी करते हैं, यह विचार करते हुए की उनकी बुद्धि कितनी उत्तीर्ण है कितनी सक्षम है. और कुछ लोगों  के बारे में हमारा कुछ अलग विचार भी होता है. क्या आपको पता है बुद्धि कितने प्रकार की होती है नहीं तो चलिए मैं बताता हूं, आपको की बुद्धि के प्रकार कितने होते हैं. और वह बुद्धि कार्य कैसे करती है. बुद्धि के पांच प्रकार होते हैं जिनका उपयॏग करके इंसान निश्चय लेता है. उन निश्चय का मकसद डिपेंड करता है, कि वह निश्चय कौन सी बुद्धि द्वारा लिया गया है. तो हमारा जानना बहुत आवश्यक हो जाता है की बुद्धि के वह पांचो प्रकार कौन-कौन से हैं, और वह कार्य कैसे करते हैं. १. कपट्टी बुद्धि: जिस भी इंसान के पास यह बुद्धि होती है, वह इंसान इस बुद्धि द्वारा केवल और केवल दूसरों को हानि पहुंचाता है. इस बुद्धि के उपयोग से इंसान केवल दूसरों के साथ छल करने धोखा देने का काम करता है. इस तरह की बुद्धि वाले इंसान कपट कर दूसरों का धन हरपने का प्रयास करते हैं. इस तरह के इंसान दूसरों के साथ छल कर अपना स्वार्थ सिद्ध करते हैं. इस तरह की बुद्धि वा

सही फैसला लेने की टेक्निक!

        सु बह की शुरुआत होने से रात का अंत होने तक हम अपने जीवन के कई फैसले लेते हैं जिनमें से कई फैसले ऐसे होते हैं जिन्हें आत्मग्लानि यानी पछतावा होता है। जाने अनजाने में हम कई ऐसे फैसले कर जाते हैं जो सही नहीं होते हैं। हमारे लिए हमारी आत्मा की शांति के लिए। जाने अनजाने में किया गलत फैसला उठाई गलत कदम की वजह से हमारी आत्मा बेचैन हो उठती है। जीवन के लिए पीस आत्मा की शांति एक अहम हिस्सा है जीवन को संतुलित रखने के लिए। हम सभी का जीवन संतुलित रहे और जीवन का संतुलन बना रहे इसलिए मैंने कुछ सात्विक ट्रिक का निर्माण किया है जो मैं आपके साथ साझा करना चाहता हूं।       चर्चा को आगे बढ़ाते हैं और लिए जानते हैं उन सात्विक स्ट्रिप्स एंड ट्रिक्स के बारे में जो हमें गलत फैसला करने से रोक देंगे। और हमें प्रदान करेगी आत्मीय सुख का! पारिवारिक फैसले!      अपने जीवन में कोई भी फैसला लो, या फैसले का निर्माण करो तो इस बात का बखूबी ध्यान रखो, कि वह फैसला आपका पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियां के अनुकूल होने चाहिए।      किसी भी फैसले को उत्तेजित होकर या उत्तेजना में ना ले। वह हमेशा ही गलत होंगे। कभी भी कोई भी फैसला क